Happy Hoodies Some dogs become anxious or fearful because of the air noise and wind force associated with high-velocity dryers. The Happy Hoodie muffles the noise and calms the pet. The thick terry material helps soak up moisture from the covered area assisting the drying of ears and face. Simply place the Happy Hoodie over the pet's head onto its neck. Place the ears against the pet's head so air cannot get into them and slide the band back over the top of the head to secure the ears in place. Adjust the width of the band to best fit the pet by folding over excess material once the band is on. Remove the Happy Hoodie to dry the remainder of the head, ears, and face. Muffles noise, calming your pet Soaks moisture & assists in drying Adjustable band for secure & comfortable fit A simple, yet brilliant idea. Sets sold in packs of 2 - 1 large & 1 small XL comes in a single pack and measures 8" x 8" to fit large and giant breeds such as Newfoundlands, Golden Retrievers, Bull breeds, Rottweillers, Mastiffs, etc. Size Guide Small - 5 inches wide and 10-17 inches circumference Large - 8 inches wide and 12-19 inches circumference XL - 8 inches wide and 16-27 inches circumference