Suet Ball Bird Feed by Gardman - Tub of 50

Suet Ball Bird Feed by Gardman - Tub of 50

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€ 12,74

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Suet Ball Bird Feeder - Tub of 50 Treat your feathered friends to a feast with Gardman. As one of the top providers of bird care products in the UK you can be sure to find something for every winged guest. Fat based feeds are an excellent source of energy, predominantly associated with winter feeding, however our suet range offers an essential high energy supplement which is a year round favourite with our feathered friends. Suitable for use in fat snax feeders, on bird tables and ground feeding. Our Suet Balls are made from a high quality suet, seed and cereal mix, and are packed in a convenient resealable plastic tub to ensure they are kept in tip top condition until needed. Specifications Dimensions: H21 x W27 x D27cm Hints and Tips Enjoy watching birds visit your garden and help aid their survival by feeding all year round The RSPB and BTO recommend year round feeding; in Autumn / Winter when food is scarce and in Spring / Summer when parents need a plentiful supply to nurture their young Check your feeder twice a day if you can, once in the morning and once again in the afternoon. Most feeders will need refilling at least every other day Make water available year round for birds to drink and bathe, ensuring it doesn't freeze over in Winter Hygiene is important. Prevent bacteria build up by cleaning feeders and feeding areas All of Gardman's Wild Bird Care products are BTO approved. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is an independent charitable research institute combining professional and citizen science to monitor wild birds across the UK. The combination of professional ecologists, long-term datasets some in excess of 50 years, and volunteers participating all over the country gives the BTO a unique, impartial and knowledgeable voice in nature conservation.




Suet Ball Bird Feeder - Tub of 50 Treat your feathered friends to a feast with Gardman. As one of the top providers of bird care products in the UK you can be sure to find something for every winged guest. Fat based feeds are an excellent source of energy, predominantly associated with winter feeding, however our suet range offers an essential high energy supplement which is a year round favourite with our feathered friends. Suitable for use in fat snax feeders, on bird tables and ground feeding. Our Suet Balls are made from a high quality suet, seed and cereal mix, and are packed in a convenient resealable plastic tub to ensure they are kept in tip top condition until needed. Specifications Dimensions: H21 x W27 x D27cm Hints and Tips Enjoy watching birds visit your garden and help aid their survival by feeding all year round The RSPB and BTO recommend year round feeding; in Autumn / Winter when food is scarce and in Spring / Summer when parents need a plentiful supply to nurture their young Check your feeder twice a day if you can, once in the morning and once again in the afternoon. Most feeders will need refilling at least every other day Make water available year round for birds to drink and bathe, ensuring it doesn't freeze over in Winter Hygiene is important. Prevent bacteria build up by cleaning feeders and feeding areas All of Gardman's Wild Bird Care products are BTO approved. The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is an independent charitable research institute combining professional and citizen science to monitor wild birds across the UK. The combination of professional ecologists, long-term datasets some in excess of 50 years, and volunteers participating all over the country gives the BTO a unique, impartial and knowledgeable voice in nature conservation.

