Pinkgrip Dry Fix Adhesive - 750ml Please note that pinkgrip dry fix must only be applied using the pinkgrip dry fix applicator gun, ordinary foam guns must not be used. Description Everbuild pinkgrip dry fix is a revolutionary new type of fast curing adhesive foam that has been specially developed for the rapid installation of plasterboard, insulation boards and other such materials such as roof decking and floorboards. Supplied in a pressurised canister pinkgrip dry fix is applied with an applicator gun that has been specially manufactured to offer optimum adhesive extrusion rate and compatibility with the special 'safety' type of valve used on the canister. Application The application procedure for bonding plasterboard can be summarised in three simple steps: 1. Apply adhesive to board or wall using the pinkgrip dry fix applicator gun and leave to stand for 4 to 5 minutes. 2. Lever the board up and press to wall, applying pressure across the whole surface of the board. Hold in place for 1 minute. 3. Wait one hour, then plaster ! Storage Store the can in an upright position and between 15 and 20C. Shelf life 12 months from date of manufacture when stored in original un-opened can between 15 and 20C in vertical position. Once opened, the shelf life is reduced to one month from original use. Pinkgrip Dry Fix Adhesive - 750ml EVERBUILD DRYFIX7