Arlo AVD2001 Black White CE Wireless 110 1536 x 1536 pixels 720 x 7201080 x 10801536 x 1536
Know before they knockN/AArlo Video Doorbell camera is designed to capture what traditional video doorbells cant. Get notified when motion is detected and receive a call on your phone when your doorbell is pressed.N/AN/ASee more at your front door.N/ACapture a person from head to toe or a package on the ground with a front door-optimized 180 diagonal viewing angle and 1:1 ratio.N/AN/AArlo Video DoorbellN/A180 Degree Viewing AngleN/AFront Door Optimized 1:1 Aspect RatioN/AN/ATraditional Video DoorbellN/AReduced Viewing AngleN/A16:9 Aspect RatioN/AN/AVideo callN/AArlo Video Doorbell calls your phone directly when your doorbell is pressed to ensure you never miss a visitor.N/AN/AMotion detection & alertsN/AGet notified when motion is detected and watch live-streaming video from your smartphone or tablet.N/AN/AMore ways to answerN/AHear and speak to visitors with clear 2-way audio or respond quickly with pre-recorded messages.N/AN/AArlo Video Doorbell: Weather Resistant SecurityN/ABuilt to withstand the heat cold rain or sun.N/AN/AWired Video Doorbell installationN/AConnect to your existing doorbell wiring. Arlo Video Doorbell requires a voltage between 16-24VAC to work. We advise hiring a certified electrician to install the transformer included in the box to deliver the correct power.N/AN/ABuilt-in sirenN/ASet the siren to sound automatically during an event or trigger it remotely.N/AN/AGet 3 months ofN/AArlo Smart includedN/APersonalized notifications keep you informed of events that matter so you can take quick action - from phoning a friend to sounding an alarm.