Have Your Cake And Eat It! Here at Kallo, we don't think being healthy has to mean saying no to all the things you love. We believe life is about what you can, not what you can't have - and eating the right way is about loving food, having a nutritious, balanced diet and living life in a positively fabulous fashion! Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Our product does not intentionally contain animal based
Rice (51%), Corn (28%), Apple Juice Concentarte (21%), Cinnamon
Last 6 months
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Todays price is the lowest it's been in the last 6 months
Lowest price we have on record from the last 6 months
Highest price we have on record from the last 6 months
Price fluctuation; how much the lowest price has changed in the last 6 months
Price History
Low fat
Gluten-free recipe
32 calories per rice & corn cake
Less than 3% fat
No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives
Number of items: 1
Have Your Cake And Eat It! Here at Kallo, we don't think being healthy has to mean saying no to all the things you love. We believe life is about what you can, not what you can't have - and eating the right way is about loving food, having a nutritious, balanced diet and living life in a positively fabulous fashion! Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Our product does not intentionally contain animal based
Rice (51%), Corn (28%), Apple Juice Concentarte (21%), Cinnamon
Last 6 months
Best price
Todays price is the lowest it's been in the last 6 months