The Mouse Repeller guarantees rat and mouse elimination using a combination of Electro-Magnetic Interference and Ultrasonic noise to cover up to 2000 sq ft. Just plug it in, and it's highly effective, with most issues resolving within days. Safe for electrical equipment, pets, and children, but it may affect rodent pets, so rehousing them is advisable during use.
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The Mouse Repeller guarantees rat and mouse elimination using a combination of Electro-Magnetic Interference and Ultrasonic noise to cover up to 2000 sq ft. Just plug it in, and it's highly effective, with most issues resolving within days. Safe for electrical equipment, pets, and children, but it may affect rodent pets, so rehousing them is advisable during use.
Last 6 months
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Todays price is the lowest it's been in the last 6 months